About the schools

HPP Preschools of the future

•The HPP POF program of ‘Community based preschool classes’ provides access to full time 3 year preschool education at natural and administrative village level to rural children.
•POF mobilizes parents and local resources at community level
•POF is community owned and overseen
•POF is independent but in close cooperation with the local bureau of Education.
•Since 2008 POF has already provided >9,000 poor children with a head start on life in 8 counties in Yunnan, Sichuan and Hubei.
•Mixed classes: 3-5 years old, 25-30 children a class
•One teacher, eventually with a part time support teacher
•5 daily subjects (Use your brain - Use your body - Use your hands - Numbers and counting - Our Language)
•6 weekly subjects: Story telling by the teacher,  Singing,  Experience sand imaginations, Getting used to school,  Outdoor Activities,  Arts
•Daily nutritional meals and annual health check
•The Child makes up her/his own mind, experiences and choices
•The Child learns by planning, execution, failure and victory